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Feather Parrish

Profile image of Feather Parrish

Feather Parrish is a native of Little Rock. She was primarily raised by her grandparents given her mother was a single parent with a demanding full-time job. After graduating from Joe T. Robinson High School in 1995, Feather attended the University of Arkansas at Little Rock where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in finance in 2000.

Feather initially pursued a law degree, but she quickly discovered that her career path was about to change. While in law school, she landed a job in the business consulting, taxes and financial field. This position allowed her to assist the elderly with stewarding their resources so they could afford to stay at home. Coupled with her caretaker experience for her grandfather since she was 18 until he passed when she was 22, her job helped Feather realize her true calling … she has a heart for helping others.

In 2017, Feather crossed paths with Kim Clatworthy that afforded her the opportunity to pursue her true calling. As Operations Coordinator, Feather is committed to caring for the elderly and assisting them and their families in the journey of “Aging in Place”.

Feather spends her free time with her 24-year old daughter, Tayler, and has a strong compassion for animals. If her fur babies could speak, they would tell you that Feather’s heart for helping others extends beyonds humans.

Call Us: (501) 847-6102