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Disability Support

Caregiver assisting client on an art project
Call Now - 24/7
(501) 847-6102


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People of all ages with physical disabilities or other challenges often need hands-on care throughout the day and on a daily basis. Conditions such as ALS, MS and cerebral palsy may hinder your loved one’s ability to perform daily tasks on their own. Elder Independence Home Care understands that your loved one desires as much independence as possible, but may require a little extra help. We step in by assigning a personal caregiver or team of caregivers for whom the priority is your friend or family member’s well being. Our experienced caregivers can give them the one-on-one care and attention that they deserve.

We offer a large number of disability support services, including but not limited to:

  • Light Housekeeping
  • Personal Care: toileting, bathing, incontinence
  • Meal Preparation
  • Transportation assistance
  • Companionship

Living life with a disability can be lonely, so our caregivers make sure to take ample time to provide companionship. These services are tailored to match your loved ones abilities and interests and may include playing games, reading stories or current events, listening to music, or just sitting and talking with your loved one. If clients are able and interested, caregivers may bring them to social functions or local events to enjoy the scenery and interaction.

If you are interested in our disability support services, please call us at (501) 847-6102 or contact us online for a free consultation. Our caregivers are available 24/7 including holidays, and we customize our care based on each client’s needs and preferences.

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Call Us: (501) 847-6102